Sunday, June 13, 2010

Importance of Prenatal Care

Your first prenatal visit should occur during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. In your first visit, your health care provider determine your expected date of delivery and develop a plan of routine maintenance for you.

All the major organs of the baby's body formed pregnancy in the first three months of the year. During this critical time when the baby's development is taking care of very delicate, frequent and routine prenatal required to ensure apromising full-term pregnancy and a healthy newborn.

Prenatal care usually consists of general health care, education and advice about the different stages of pregnancy, nutrition, physical activity, the birthing process, skills for infant care and issues related to high-risk pregnancy complications. During your prenatal visits, tests may be performed routinely unborn child, for the care and monitoring your.
RoutineTest procedure

* Blood tests screens for development and chromosomal problems.

* Ultrasonic assess how your baby develops.

* Diagnostic tests, if there are changes in your blood tests or ultrasound exam, your doctor may perform additional tests, such as obtaining a sample of the fluid surrounding your baby. This kind of test is called an amniocentesis.

* Urine tests

* Diabetes screening tests for elevated glucose levels(Sugar) blood.

* Pelvic exam notes, the condition of your cervix.

* Fetal Tests

* RH Factor

* Measurement of your abdomen. This measurement shows your doctor how well your baby grows. The number of inches should equal the number of weeks of pregnancy.

* Listen to your heartbeat of the baby. Do you exercise?

Health Promotion

* Maintain the highest level of health during pregnancy.
* Avoid smoking,Alcohol or drug use.
* Do not take over-the-counter medicines without asking your doctor.
* Eat a nutritious and balanced diet.
* Exercise consistently. Consult your doctor before exercising.
* Take all prescribed medicines and vitamins, as ordered.
occur * Report to your doctor about any unusual symptoms.

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