Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Parents adjoin affected adoption

Stop the injustice of the family courts, stop the purgery happening on a daily basis. Stop the removal of children from families that want to care for thier offspring families together help each other, stop taking away childrens rights, every child wants to know its natural family loved them, give them a chance to know. The Big Issue by Laura Armstrong May 21 2007 A investigation, conducted by a Cross Part Group of MP's on social services guidelines An MP's survey of guidelines that are allegedly routinely used to remove children from their mothers is expected to conclude this summer that the guidelines are "irresponsible and ridiculous". The investigation, conducted by a Cross Part Group via questionnaires being sent out to groups including social workers and parents, was prompted by serious concerns amongst MPs over miscarriages of justice in the closed courts system. Worried politicians fear that hundreds of children have been wrongfully removed from their families as a result of the flawed Department of Skills and Education (formerly Department of Health) guidelines that social services use to determine whether or not a parent is abusive. According to campaigners, the guidelines say signs of abuse may include anything from speaking harshly to even helping with homework. Stress or tiredness may also be read as indications of psychological difficulties-leaving parents vulnerable to accusations of" emotional harm". The MPs are particularly interested in the effects of ...

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