Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Happy Baby - The Joys of New Motherhood

Motherhood can be a challenging time. Everyone mother at some point is a mother for the first time. And though there are more resources for new and expectant mothers than before - like educational DVDs, audio books, advice literature, and motherhood magazines - you never quite know what to expect until your little one arrives.

And though the challenges and frustrations can be many, motherhood offers some of the best perks in the world. Being able to watch your child grow and explore the world is a wondrous thing. In fact, one of the best remedies for postpartum depression and stress is soaking up the beauty of bringing a new life into this world. New mothers must take time to enjoy their babies and understand that the pros far outweigh the cons.

Here are a few helpful things to remember that can help you overcome the stress that comes with a new baby:

· Have Fun! Take the time to savor the quite moments along with your little one. The joys of new motherhood are hidden around every corner. The light in your child's eyes as she or he watches bath bubbles float into the air can be heart-warming. Remember to live in the moment and hold onto the special moments, because these are what will get you through the more challenging times.

· Take Time for Yourself. Though time to yourself is not abundant as a new mom, do look for ways throughout the day to treat yourself and take care of your physical and emotional needs. Whether you have a best friend you can talk to or a social outlet like church, remember to get some adult time in. There are new mother groups that have regular meetings and offer support to new mothers, whether it's at your local library or community college, reach out and take the time to look after your own needs. The Internet is also a great way to reach out without having to leave your house. Start connecting with other new mothers online and share the joys and challenges of your new life with your little one.

· Remember That Time Flies: Though dealing with the needs of an infant or toddler can be overwhelming, keep in mind that time certainly does fly. Potty training and teething may seem to make the clock stand still, but soon enough your baby will grow up and it will all seem like it's over in a flash. When you find yourself getting frustrated, imagine the future how you will look back with fond memories. Take a moment and approach these challenges with a dose of humor and a little extra patience.

· Grow Along With Your Child: One of the most precious things about raising a child is that you get to grow along with your little one. You may find playful qualities in yourself that you hadn't explored since your own childhood. Play along with your child and grow with them. This will not only strengthen the bond with your child but it helps alleviate the pressures of motherhood by allowing yourself to let go and have fun, and look at the world a different way.

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