Monday, May 10, 2010

Baby Showers - For Men

Planning baby showers has always been a female thing and most men either don't know or don't care about how, when or why these baby showers even exists. Our world is changing as we speak and more men are taking part in some aspect of the world of women. It has become popular for men to cook and even clean the house and now the time has come for baby showers.

But if you are a man and have never attended a baby shower it can be a little freighting to attend something without knowing what to expect. Fortunately these few tips will assist you in attending the baby shower without falling through. You might even know more than some of the women present. But remember not to over do it. It could easily come back to you as a boomerang.

Now to start with you have one important task before even getting to the baby shower and that is to find a gift. It is expected of the guests to bring gifts and that means that you too will need to find a gift for the baby, the mother or both. Now here you will (if you are like most men) find the first major bump in the road. What should you buy? Now luckily we have something called the internet and it has been a lifesaver more than once. Go to and search for Baby Shower Gifts and you will find thousands upon thousands of sites selling baby shower gifts.

Now the huge selection can be a dilemma for you if you have a hard time making up your mind. Should you go for the Mom and Baby Mug, the Teddy bear with the red heart or should you dig deep into your wallet and buy some baby jewelry that would impress both quests and parents? Impressing people (without overdoing it) has always been a safe solution but it will also be the most costly and if you are short on finances I suggest that you go for the gift that you find to be the cutest. Women love cute things so you should be home free.

Remember to make sure that the shop can have the gift delivered a few days prior to the baby shower. Last minute shopping should never be done online. I you didn't get to it in time and are going for the last minute solution your options are limited. You could go to a toy store or find a jewelry store. In both places they will be able to help you find something that can be used as an appropriate gift for a baby shower but you can expect to pay a higher price than if you had done your shopping online and in time.

Now that you have found your gift and have had it wrapped you are ready for the party. Make sure not to overdress as a baby shower is a fun occasion that is meant to be relaxed and joyful. However it is always better to overdress than under dress to don't show up in you working trousers and an old t-shirt - That could quickly take the focus off your fine gift and be turned into something negative about you as a person. Don't risk anything!

If you have bought a gift for the baby and nothing for the mother make sure to bring her something like flowers. It will leave a good impression and that is what you want. And remember that you only have ONE change to make a first impression so make sure that you do it right.
When you are at the party just go with the flow. If you are surrounded by women and the baby shower games are brought up you can easily say that you don't know the rules of the games (if you don't). Men are not yet expected to be masters of baby shower games and therefore you can just ask. Make sure to play along though - because it is again a question of leaving a good impression. Nothing is more valuable than leaving a good impression and especially at a baby shower where a man is not yet expected to know what to do.

I wish you a great baby shower and a lot of fun.

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