Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Rabbits of TWRC - Bless the Beasts

Shown here are some of the rabbits (cottontails, swamps, and jacks) which have passed through our facility on their way to being released back to the wild. Some are orphans, others injured, but they have all been given a second chance. As a general rule, orphan rehab success rates typically tend to be low for rabbits; however, our rehabilitators are fairly successful in raising kits to the point of release. TWRC is an urban wildlife emergency and rehabilitative care facility serving the Greater Houston area. Established in 1979, TWRC focuses on conservation, public education, and wildlife rehabilitation, and is operated by part-time staff and volunteers who are permitted rehabilitators and animal lovers. TWRC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which receives no federal or state funding. Because of this, we rely on individual, corporate, and foundation contributions to continue our efforts in preserving and caring for Texas wildlife. Visit us at or call 713-468-8972 for more information, to learn how you can become a volunteer, or to donate to our organization.

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