Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What does the future

I am a Baby Boomer. I was a working caregiver. I am a business owner offers nursing training through workshops in the workplace. I recently attended an annual Governor's Conference on Aging. During these three days were the participants the opportunity to hear our leaders speak, officers and other professionals, lecture, and provide information on aging. So what I've learned? I've learned that if we're not nervous, we should be. If we reallybelieve that our government secured support system, ie Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, are ready to handle the 76 million aged baby boomers approach the age of retirement, think again.

Another thing I have learned is that to do it only in rare cases, government agencies talk to each other about programs that they consider the development or already have. If a state official asked a group of participants as they presented health services and in 2020, Iheard was the same song, different verse. Build another building, more money in the existing social service programs, but not once have I heard a new, innovative idea. Not even someone asked where is the money from. Only once I heard someone on the existing building, that our public schools to talk sit empty much time as resource centers for the aging population. Novel idea? Not really, only one that crosses borders seems every departmentset for themselves. God forbid they communicate with each other - they only have to do something right for the recognition could share.

What do I do that? After my experience presenting workshops on Baby Boomers, there are several things that keep me from jumping. First, baby boomers will never understand the old, we are forever young. I think it's because Mom and Dad more and to live as long as they are alive, we will always Boomersthe "kids". Boomers never accept the tags of "older" of "senior", or any other name, the old flavor. And last but not least, Boomers are virtual sponges when it comes to information gathering. But no matter how much information you them, less than 10% will do anything to them a life crisis. These include financial planning, long term care, health issues, such as affordability and the proverbial balancing act of being working nurses and the maintenance of aCareer.

In the last six years I have participated in providing information and referrals to work supervisor. About 95% of employees are caregivers baby boomers. Some are in the "sandwich generation", those who care for children and elderly parents, contain the same time. Are they stressed? You bet. Have you had the time about what the future thinking for them? Not much.

Let us now look for companies and other employers. If you have aWorkers with a child care problem, they bend over backwards to help. But people have ask for help, leisure time or flexible working hours, because nursing issues and all of a sudden, management says, "take care of your personal problems on your own time." Well, you know what, sooner or later, the nursing problems have a direct impact on management, then what happens? When I speak with management offers a number of informativeWorkshops during the lunch break at work site, they will welcome me with open arms if it is free, and does a cost and they run for cover.

So if do not get the government not pay for corporate, and collect the information Boomers like squirrels collect nuts for the winter, but do nothing with it, why not simply go on vacation? Why do I think about my head against every wall BUTTING? Because I care.

Tags : health uninsured bakugan-collection

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