Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Nathan Memorial Video - (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - SIDS)

Video monument of our son (1 August 2008 to November 13, 2008). God gave us an angel, and we were blessed. We hope that this memorial will encourage you video, treasure every moment you spend with your loved ones and encourage a deeper walk with Christ so that we can all enjoy the glory of God has in store for us in the place where Nathan lives . "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." What shares for a message from John with usScripture. Feel free to visit the Nathan Michael King Foundation's website, as we will, for www.nmksids.org Thank you for the time, continue to see the video. It is quite an honor to present our blessing for the people. Nathan is and will remain such an effect will have to live on people. We were so blessed that God sent us such a beautiful angel. We are also a blessing that continues to bring our son closer to the people of Christ even in his absence. I remember the verse Isaiah 11:6: "... anda child shall lead them. "Nathan, of Hebrew origin and means" God has given, "the son of King David and Prophet of God. What was an honor to God for care Nathan put it on others, so that God's strength, power, mercy and grace to see us through. (All images and videos can only be used at the sole permission of the King family. All the music belongs to artists and / or affiliates)


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